Thursday, April 17, 2008

All 16 of us work

This is Dwight and I am doing today's news at the farm.

There are 16 of us not counting the wild things around that we cannot count, Each of us has a job which makes everything work well together here on the farm.

The 3 goats poop and create food (fly larva) for the 7 chickens who make compost and Susan puts it in the garden and plants grow without buying and using artificial fertilizer. Later the goats will give us milk. The chickens of course also give us eggs which are wonderful. Della, our black lab, is a guard dog and protects us if there are strange sounds or animals around, Daisy is a Landseer (mix of Great White Pyrenees and Newfoundland), weighs over 100 pounds at 10 months and her job is to live with the goats and protect them from harm.

My job is to fix things (like two gate latches today), help Susan as needed like tilling, be a friend to everyone and, of course, produce the income needed. Nothing we do here produces cash which is the way we like it, at least for now.

Susan is the head gardener, head researcher and thinker of the farm, and helps me in eating the bountiful garden produce. Tonight we had lettuce from the cold frame and from the time we cut it until the time we had eaten it was about 30 minutes. Fresh has a new meaning!

Oh, there are two black cats (Tom & Jerry) who help with mice control but also, unfortunately, get into the butterflies at times. Tom and Jerry also provide entertainment for the dogs as the dogs are penned in and the cats run loose and taunt them at times

So, we all work and really enjoy each day and the interesting things that seem to come our way.

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